Friday, June 27

Jumping from the nest, will I be able to fly?

One hour to go and my life will completely change, I wont see myself as a my parents child anymore. I will be an adult!

A part of me, was holding myself back from even coming home. Could feel how my legs wanted to go backwards instead of front. Kept on pushing as if I had the world chained to my legs. But if I stopped walking maybe then everything would remain the same? But I know there is no way out of this, so I need to embrace adulthood. But how do I embrace it?

By looking up in the sky and in one breath say everything I have to say and puff! I am an adult?! I might create an earthquake or I just might pass with a lovely breeze in a sunny day.

Where ever this leads me, a part of me knows that it's time.

1 comment:

Russell said...

Welcome to the club!